Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am in the middle of a big outreach in New York and don't have a lot of time, but I am enjoying posting on other peoples blogs so I think I would like to start one of my own. Maybe there are some people who want to talk to me, at me or with me. I have a myspace in my own name too but I haven't really paid much attention to it. I am hoping to get more into this. I am having a lot of fun right now because things on our Behold Your God campaign are going better than I could have even imagined. It is kind of like God smiling down on us and saying, "I am choosing to bless you so that I can be glorified." I think if those who oppose us knew us they might not be as intimidated as they seem to be by our efforts. We have heard that people think we have hired a top PR firm and that is the way we have been getting so much press coverage. The simple truth is that we are just doing our thing and kind of stumbling into a major media focus on our effort. The way the gospel message has been amplified is not because we have so much figured out. It is just happening and I give glory to God for Him doing His thing. Just google news us and you will see what I mean. In the mean time we have handed out 1.25 million gospel tracts in just over 2 weeks. We have over 1400 Jewish seekers who want more info and about 300 people have prayed to receive Jesus as Messiah, half of whom are Jewish. So for me that is where I am at and that is why I wanted to put it out there. So nu?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,

I brought a Jewish friend to your Christ in Passover event and while he celebrated passover his entire life, he never really understood it.

He enjoyed it very much.

Thank you!

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to contact you since February re your article, "Help Me Understand, Please!" Just a short note: It seems to me that each one of us can serve in varying ways. For instance, some Christian organizations may believe they are doing a mitzvah by supporting the state of Israel, despite whether or not this involves Messianic Jews or even secular. The gestures of kindness still reverberate and demonstrate a heart for the Jewish people. In my mind, a mitzvah is a still a mitzvah regardless.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re your June article, "Yours, Mine and Ours," I believe the Jewish people owe no apologies for speaking the words, "My Jewish people." If others consider it divisive,perhaps they should consider that our Jewish identity is what simulataneously binds us together and distinguishes us from other believers of the faith. As a people we have endured our own brand of persecution, precisely because we were/are Jewish. If others take offense, then perhaps they should take a closer look at their own hearts, to grant us this expression of solidarity in our faith, without a frown of disapproval. I think perhaps we have earned it.

3:32 PM  

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